The first traveling exhibition of the Helpful Art in Covid project mapped art from more than 90 countries and showed over 2,000 works of art from 500 artists.
/ Albania / Angola / Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Benin / Bolivia /
/ Bosna-Herzegovina / Brazil / Brunei / Bulgaria / Burkina Faso / Canada / Chille / China /
/ Colombia / Costa Rica / Croatia / Cuba / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark /
/ Democratic Republic of the Congo / Dominican Republic / Ecuador / Egypt / Estonia /
/ Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hong Kong SAR / Hungary / Iceland /
/ India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Italy / Jamaica / Japan / Jordan / Kazakhstan / Latvia /
/ Luxembourg / Madagascar / Malaysia / Malta / Mauritius / Mexico / Morocco / Nepal /
/ Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / Norway / Peru / Philippines / Poland / Portugal /
/ Romania / Russia / Rwanda / Saudi Arabia / Senegal / Serbia / Singapore / Slovakia /
/ Slovenia / Somalia / South African Republic / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan /
/ Sultanate of Oman / Sweden / Switzerland / Tanzania / Thailand / Togo / Turkey / Ukraine /
/ United Arab Emirates / United Kingdom / United States of America / Venezuela / Vietnam /